
LearnEMC offers customized web-based course delivery options for training EMC engineers at your company. Live webinars provide focused training on specific topics of interest in a single session. Live online short courses provide more comprehensive training to provide engineers with the skills they need to address a variety of EMC issues. All courses can be customized to meet the specific needs of your company.
Live Webinars
Live webinars are a convenient way of bringing engineers up to speed on specific topics of importance to your company. These can be overviews of a general topic such as power circuit design or focused discussions of an advanced topic such as computer modeling tools. Interactive live webinars are typically presented to audiences of anywhere from 5 to 50 people and last from 1 to 3 hours. Any of the E-Learning Module topics listed below can be presented in a live webinar.
Live Online Courses
Live online courses are an alternative to on-site short courses. Online courses are typically presented in 90-minute segments. Each class is recorded so that students who miss a lecture can view it at a later time without falling behind in the class. All of the courses described on the Short Courses page can be delivered in a live, online format. The online courses include all of the same presentation materials and demonstrations as the on-site short courses. Custom online courses can also be put together from the E-Learning course modules listed at the bottom of this page.
Modules for Custom Courses
All modules are 30-90 minutes when presented in a live online format.
Basic Topics
Intermediate Topics
Advanced Topics
Custom Modules
All of the modules listed above can be customized to meet the needs of your company. For example, the presentation of a topic can be tailored for an audience of mechanical or chemical engineers. Demonstrations and example problems can be selected that resemble the types of products of greatest interest to a particular engineering group. Custom modules can also be developed on topics that do not appear in the list above.